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Home » September Focus : Plums & Stone Fruit

September Focus : Plums & Stone Fruit

September's focus for learning is plums and other stone fruit.

Browse our collection for art works based on this theme, read up on juicy plum facts, and design your own plum crumble.

Cooking Activity : Design Your Own Plum Crumble

Plums make a delicious, yet incredibly simple crumble.

In this step by step photo recipe pack we give you the chance to design your own flavours by choosing which complimentary flavours to add to your plums.

You can also learn about crumble topping maths!

There are lots of different plums to choose from too. The most common plum you are likely to find in the UK supermarkets (and the one we used for this recipe) is the Angelino imported from Spain, but do look out for other varieties too, especially locally grown ones. You can also choose to swap out some of the plums for apples if you like so long as you keep to the advised weight of fruit in the recipe – it really is up to you to design your own crumble.

GM Design Your Own Plum Crumble

We’d love to see your plum crumbles – you can share photographs with us via twitter @GardenMusLearn or email us

Image: Ceri Jones