In Your Garden: Jane Lord - Garden Museum

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In Your Garden: Jane Lord

In our new series #GMinyourgarden, we’re peeking over the fence into gardens across the country to explore their places in our lives today. Not large, designer-led spaces, but small-scale personal gardens lovingly nurtured by their creators (and which nurture them right back!).

This week, Jane Lord’s garden in Yorkshire

“I’d always dreamt of living in an old house with a pretty cottage garden and fifteen years ago my dream came true. As soon as I saw the cottage, I had a vision of pretty roses climbing the stone walls and borders packed with a romantic jumble of perennials and annuals.

My husband and I both liked gardening, but having full time jobs meant that we didn’t have much time to spend on it other than to keep it looking tidy. It was when I retired five years ago, just before the Covid pandemic, that my gardening bug well and truly kicked in. Looking back at old photos now makes me realise just how much we’ve done. We’ve added stone patios, lawns, new borders, a vegetable garden, cutting garden beds, a shady garden and much more. I’ve always got a little project in mind, it’s good to keep him busy and he enjoys it!

My favourite plants and shrubs, include many of the cottage garden staples, roses, foxgloves, hydrangeas, poppies, daisies, hardy geraniums, lavender and phlox. Any plants that attract the pollinators are of course very welcome. This year it was so noticeable that the bees and butterflies are in decline and doing whatever we can to help them is so, so important.

I love growing flowers from seed, and spend lots of time in the greenhouse. I try to grow something new every year, but I wouldn’t be without cosmos, I think they’re one of the prettiest, long flowering annuals to be found. Growing your own flowers also works out much cheaper (very important to a Yorkshire girl), and gives you so much more in return. It’s challenging, rewarding, boosts your confidence, relaxing, great exercise and reduces stress. What more could you want?

If you’re reading this and are tempted to start gardening, then don’t hold back, you certainly won’t regret it!”

Follow along with our #GMInYourGarden series on Instagram @gardenmuseum

Follow Jane on Instagram: @the_little_end_cottage

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