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Garden Diary: Spring Colour

Update by Matt Collins, Head Gardener at the Garden Museum

Spring colour

Despite spring getting off to weak and cold start, bulbs planted last year have been pushing through the gloom and are now in flower across the gardens, particularly in St. Mary’s with many additions having accumulated over the years. In the raised cafe planters Narcissi ‘Pueblo’ and Muscari ‘Blue Magic’ are now in flower together – nothing beats a combination of spring blue and yellow.


Our new compost bins are now painted (by one of our valued volunteers, Jane) and in use, which is a big help for the gardens. We’ve also enjoyed having two work experience students from Lambeth College with us in recent weeks – Adicqua and Gemma (both pictured), who have helped prepare the gardens for spring, including mulching and thinning seedlings.

In the Sackler Garden there are encouraging signs of new growth from plants hit hard by last month’s frost, and on the other side of the Museum’s restaurant the beds are alive with Epimedium x versicolor ‘sulphureum’, Helleborus orientalis (not pictured) and Iris lazica.

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