Tirthas: Thin Places | Dana Westring - Garden Museum

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Home » Exhibitions » Tirthas: Thin Places | Dana Westring

Tirthas: Thin Places | Dana Westring

This group of landscapes is the result of artist Dana Westring’s extensive annual travel in Southeast Asia, and of his artistic practice and research amongst the sacred architecture of the Hindu temples and other Indian structures. Thin Places is a translation of the Hindu word Tirthas which means a place of pilgrimage, and also the cultivation of truth, knowledge and spirituality – literally a thin place, a higher plain.


All images courtesy of Dana Westring

Dana began his painting career as an illustrator and muralist, with large canvases installed in public spaces and residential projects in the US and Middle East. His works have included an iconic ceiling in the Avalon theatre in Washington DC and architectural and non-figurative wall murals for the royal family in Jordan. He has devoted the last twenty years to drawings and watercolours as an artist, as well as to garden design.

The works in this exhibition are for sale in aid of Lambeth Green, our project to make a public park around the Museum. At its centre will be an ornamental pavilion which will serve as a horticultural training centre for young people from Lambeth, and our project to develop a green public realm.

In association with VH Projects