The Botanique Heritage Series | Wild tamarind and jumbie bead seedwork workshop - Garden Museum

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The Botanique Heritage Series | Wild tamarind and jumbie bead seedwork workshop

Discover the traditional Antiguan and Barbudan handicraft of wild tamarind and jumbie bead seedwork in this hands-on workshop for beginners.

The masterful handicraft of seedwork is a tradition in Antigua and Barbuda that can be traced back to African origins, creating beautiful complex patterns of wild tamarind and jumbie bead seeds sewn together to make spider web patterns for jewelry, fashion items, and household decor.

Seedwork was a dying art, with only five women left in the world to create it until Botanique Studios was founded. Now the Botanique masters are training the next generation of Antiguan and Barbudan craftspersons, and sharing their skills on a global stage, imbued with a message that is undeniably as beautiful, empowering, and profound as the craft itself. 

We are privileged to have seedwork master Louise Edwards joining us from Antigua for this exclusive workshop to share her seedwork skills and knowledge. Participants will be provided with a two hour beginners’ introduction to the skill, and will try their hand at creating their own seedwork earrings.

Workshop leader

  • Louise Edwards

    Louise Edwards

    Esther “Louise” Edwards is one of the current Master Seedworkers of Antigua and Barbuda. She describes in her own words how she came about learning this craft,

    "I am the first of seven children and learned from an early age that working hard is an essential key to success. I have been vending for over 50 years. At about the age of 20, I learned how to create seed work from Mrs. Ionie Braithwaite.

    Over the years, I have added to the basic patterns taught to me and created my own unique patterns in this almost lost art form. I genuinely think this art should be taught in schools as this craft is unique to Antigua, just like the Frigate Bird and the Antigua Black Pineapple. If it is taught to the younger generations and anyone willing to learn it, this will help to ensure the continuation of this craft long after the last few of us still practising it are gone."