Dig for Plenty: Post-War Vegetable Production - Garden Museum

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Dig for Plenty: Post-War Vegetable Production

‘A Dig for Plenty’ advertisement from a booklet for gardeners titled, Garden Work for Amateurs, No.329 and dated 16th November 1946. Published by Cable Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., 62 Doughty Street, London. ‘Dig for Plenty’ followed on from the successful wartime ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign to encourage vegetable production during post-war restrictions on food. Collected, read and used by the Goodfellow family at their home in Grenville Gardens, Woodford Green, Essex.  Gift of S.C. & T.L. Goodfellow.

Ref: 1995.094


Cable Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd.


Paper, printed



Collection No:
