Why does sunshine matter so much to the plants and people in a city? We’ve made this short educational film with our Science Learning Officer Samia Qureshi, formerly a postharvest scientist and biology teacher, to find out why. Samia explains how plants feed themselves through photosynthesis, and how essential sunlight is in this chemical process.
Now nature’s processes of growth and self-feeding are at risk as London builds taller, casting shadows on parks, gardens and wildlife reserves.
Earlier this year our petition to the Mayor of London’s planning team challenged a proposed planning policy which would require public amenity areas – including parks – to have just two hours of direct sunshine as measured on 21st March and 21st September, the two equinoxes of the year. They could be over-shadowed or in darkness for 22 hours of the day.
We are asking for two hours to become six. In June a motion led by the Green party was passed in the Greater London Assembly, and the Mayor has now agreed to commission a research study into the issue. This film is our next step in explaining why sunlight matters.
If you are in your garden on the September solstice, you know how precious each hour of sunshine is. Please share this short film (six minutes) and as we continue our fight to preserve London’s sky.

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