Plant List and Prices - Garden Museum

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Plant List and Prices

Plant List

To be dug out on the dayPrice (each)
Solanum laciniatum  £10
Persicaria filiformis x 2   £5
Karengishoma  £10
Cyperus papyrus £30
Osmunda regalis x 2  £25
Lysichiton camtschatcensis x 2 £10
Woodwardia radicans x 3  £30
Woodwardia unigemmata x 1     £40
Dicksonia antarctica    £50
Dicksonia fibrosa   £20
Assorted smaller ferns    £5
Hosta plantaginea x 3 (large clumps but snail savaged)     £30
Choisya “Sundance” £10
Fascicularia bicolor (large clump)  £15
Acer palmatum x 2           £40
Aspidistra x 12  £10
Astelia chathamica x 8  £15
Eryngium agavefolium £5
Beschorneria yuccoides  £5
Hedychium forrestii£5
Agapanthus x 2 (plastic pots) £15
Agapanthus x (terracotta pots) £30
Tetrapanax     £40
Roscoea purpurea x 7     £10
Bergenia ciliata    £10
Sarcococca hookeriana var digyna£25
Acer palmatum “Atropurpureum” (large specimen)£60
Schefflera taiwaniana ex Crug Farm £35
Camellia sasanqua “Hinode Gumo'£30
Camellia sasanqua “Yuletide”   £50
Camellia sasanqua “Hugh Evans”£30
Camellia “Scentuous”   £75
Camellia x williamsii “Elegant Beauty” £40
Camellia saluensis “Apple Blossom” £50
Camellia x “Spring Festival”  £10
Camellia “Fragrant Pink”  £40
Camellia japonica “China Clay”£50
Stone urns x 2    £50
Concrete moulded pots       £20
Tripods x 2 (black wrought iron)  £5
Various assorted terracotta pots individually priced.
Various old tools individually priced   
Large teak garden table       £50
7  matching teak dining chairs £15
2 wooden loungers (each)         £20
4 folding wooden chairs (each)        £10