In Your Garden: Hayati Alaluf - Garden Museum

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In Your Garden: Hayati Alaluf

In our new series #GMinyourgarden, we’re peeking over the fence into gardens across the country to explore their places in our lives today. Not large, design-led spaces, but small-scale personal gardens lovingly nurtured by their creators (and which nurture them right back!).

This week, Hayati Alaluf’s London garden:

“Gardening really changed my life for the better since I started four years ago when we moved into our current house. I loved transforming the garden from scratch and learning SO much about plants on the way.

I planted wisteria the first month we moved in, it finally flowered this year and I must admit, that was the proudest moment in my gardening journey. It’s always been a dream of mine to have wisteria blooms over my front door.

Another favourite of mine is the 30 year old plum tree at the back of the garden which we inherited from the previous owners. I felt responsible for making sure it thrives as it adds so much charm to the garden and I’ve been enjoying making delicious jam every summer!

Gardening also has been great for my mental health, it’s relaxing and it’s a time for me to enjoy my own company. It teaches patience and perseverance against all odds which I find very inspiring!

In a time when global warming is causing so much chaos and uncertainty for the future, I think we owe it to ourselves, our communities and our environment to fill all our spaces with nature as much as possible. I honestly think plants transform spaces and make everything better.”

Follow along with our #GMInYourGarden series on Instagram @gardenmuseum

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