Healing Garden - Garden Museum

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Healing Garden

The Healing Garden is the Garden Museum's new community garden project in Old Paradise Gardens, a small park just around the corner from the museum.

The new garden, designed by Dan Pearson Studios, features a patchwork of native, medicinal and wildlife-friendly planting. A hand-woven hazel fence encloses a large area for food-growing and community garden sessions.

Local residents and museum patrons are warmly invited to join us for this exciting, early phase of the project. Weekly gardening sessions will run every Saturday throughout the year.

Join our gardening team to help with the planting and maintaining of this wonderful new garden space. Gardening sessions are held every Saturday in the Healing Garden, from 11.30am. The Healing Garden can be easily found in Old Paradise Gardens, Lambeth High Street, SE1 7JR


Courtesy of Dan Pearson Studio

Early stages of the Healing Garden

The project has been generously supported by the Tanner Trust and Lambeth Council’s Community Connections fund.

For more information about the Healing Garden Project, email lambethgreen@gardenmuseum.org.uk, or drop into one of our weekly gardening sessions.

Image: Matt Collins (header image)