Garden Museum Literary Festival 2023 at Parham House & Gardens - Garden Museum

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Garden Museum Literary Festival 2023 at Parham House & Gardens

Last weekend we gathered at Parham House & Gardens for our ninth Garden Museum Literary Festival. Thank you to all who came along and joined a talk, a garden tour, or simply basked in the surroundings. And thank you to all our speakers for travelling to Sussex to share

We are so grateful to our generous hosts Lady Emma and James Barnard for hosting us at their beautiful home. We look back over some of the highlights of the festival below.

Lit Fest visitors gathering on the first morning at Parham House
Lady Emma Barnard, her husband James and Garden Museum Director Christopher Woodward welcome guests
Alan Titchmarsh opened the festival with a talk about His Majesty The King’s gardens
Non Morris and Matthew Rice in conversation about the gardens at Ham Court, Bampton
Audience in The Great Hall watching a talk
Fresh flowers cut from the gardens at Parham adorned every room in the house

Fresh flowers in the Long Gallery
Head Gardener Andrew Humphris lead garden tours around the Walled Garden

Olivia Harrison reading from her new poetry book ‘Came The Lightening; Twenty Poems for George’
Picnic lunches on the lawn
Todd Longstaffe-Gowan, Lady Emma and James Barnard and Head Gardener Andrew Humphris discuss the gardens at Parham
Alan Titchmarsh in conversation with Isabel and Julian Bannerman
Flower pressing workshop with Melissa Richardson of JamJar Flowers

Where shall our travelling Lit Fest head to next year?

Photos by Sam Stephenson

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