Garden Museum Literary Festival 2022 at Chatsworth - Garden Museum
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Garden Museum Literary Festival 2022 at Chatsworth

We had a wonderful time at this year’s Garden Museum Literary Festival, which took place on Thursday 23 and Friday 24 June at Chatsworth House.

Thank you to all who came along and joined a talk, a garden tour or a foraging walk, or simply basked in the surroundings. Thank you to all our speakers for travelling to Derbyshire to spark fascinating conversations on why we garden.

We are so grateful to our generous hosts the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire for hosting us at their beautiful home. We look back over some of the highlights of the festival below. Thank you to Jo Fairley for the photos.

Justine Picardie (left) and Jo Thompson, who hosted a brilliant talk on Justine’s book ‘Miss Dior’, revealing the surprising story of Christian Dior’s sister Catherine Dior. Catherine was part of the French Resistance in occupied Paris in WW2, and later planted a rose garden which was used to create Miss Dior perfume
Garden Museum President Alan Titchmarsh kicked off the festival hosting a panel talk with the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire and Chatsworth Head of Gardens & Landscape Steve Porter, looking back over how they developed the gardens and recently rewilded parts of the landscape on the estate
Dan Pearson chatted with Tania Compton about writing seasonally
The Theatre provided a grand and impressive setting for our second stage. In this photo Hopwood DePree and Xa Tollemache prepare for their talk
Tom Stuart-Smith discusses his work at Chatsworth with garden historian Tim Richardson
A lovely table setting for sit down lunches
Luciano Giubbelei

Inspiring Chatsworth gardens to explore, set against the backdrop of the rolling Derbyshire Dales.
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