Garden Museum Journal no. 31: The Archive of Russell Page - Garden Museum

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Garden Museum Journal no. 31: The Archive of Russell Page

This edition of the Garden Museum Journal provides a first glimpse of the archive of Russell Page, deposited at the Museum in 2015.

Russell Page (1906-1985) was a renowned British garden designer whose geographic reach and high-profile clientele distinguished him as one of the foremost landscape designers of the 20th century. The Russell Page Archive is one of the largest held at the Museum, containing over 3300 plans as well as photographs, correspondence and notes, including drafts for his unpublished sequel to The Education of a Gardener (1962), provisionally titled In Making Gardens.

The journal explains how the archive came to be deposited at the Museum, presents a timeline of his life and highlights from the archive, and offers a reminiscence by one of Russell Page’s close friends, Jelena de Belder.

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Garden Museum Journal no.31 | Russell Page


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