Windrush Day | Hummingbirds and Hibiscus - Garden Museum
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Windrush Day | Hummingbirds and Hibiscus

This Windrush Day, Saturday 22nd June, join the Head of Learning for a free family drop-in session making hummingbirds and hibiscus flowers from paper, inspired by a childhood book about the Birds and Flowers of Jamaica.

Twenty years after the Empire Windrush, Janine travelled from Jamaica by ship. She was a child and remembers seeing flying fish jumping out of the sea from where she stood on board the ship.

We won’t be able to make our hummingbirds fly but we can give them a feather and hang them up by a string.

You may be surprised to know that these small birds eat a lot. They feed every 10 to 15 minutes and visit an impressive 1,000 to 2,000 flowers in a single day.

They like to drink from the hibiscus flower. Hibiscus flowers have five petals that provide a comfortable landing spot and easy access for the little bird’s long beak. This lets them hover next to the flower while they sip on the sweet nectar.

Use paint, scissors, glue, feathers and ribbons to make birds and flowers out of paper to take home or display in the museum.

Suitable for age 3 and up.