Talk | Freud and Flowers at Chatsworth - Garden Museum
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Talk | Freud and Flowers at Chatsworth

The Devonshire Collection at Chatsworth holds a rich variety of works by Lucian Freud, including paintings, prints, objects and even a cyclamen mural in a bathroom. This talk by Dr Alexandra Hodby, Senior Curator of Programme at Chatsworth, will explore these works in the context of the collection and house.

Focusing on depictions of flowers and plants, Alex will expand on how Freud’s work is understood within the context of the historic collection, and in relation to the Cavendish family. Centring on works in the collection in comparison with other closely related painting, prints and drawings, Alex will explore the artworks and how she has come to understand their place in the dynamic home at Chatsworth.

The exhibition Lucian Freud: Plant Portraits will be open from 6.30pm – 7pm before the talk (entry included).

Image: Lucian Freud, Cecil Beaton, Cecil Beaton Archive © Condé Nast