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Home » Events » Online Event | Nicola Shulman: Fashion and Gardens

Online Event | Nicola Shulman: Fashion and Gardens

We're pleased to offer this event as part of our online Public Programme

Like gardeners working in their gardens, the modern fashion world follows a seasonal cycle, always looking ahead to the next season, trying to anticipate the changes of light, temperature, mood and scale that await at the turn of the year.  Both gardens and dress aim to bring a sense of occasion to a season.

Midsummer is more authentic if passed among organza and roses; russet velvet and gold-licked chrysanthemums concentrate our sense that autumn has arrived.

Nicola Shulman, curator of the 2014 exhibition Fashion and Gardens, will explore the relationship between fashion and garden design, from the age of Queen Elizabeth I to the catwalks of London Fashion Week; a connection that has existed for centuries.


  • Nicola Shulman

    Nicola Shulman

    Nicola Shulman is a writer, critic and biographer. She devised and curated the exhibition 'fashion and gardens' for the Garden Museum in 2014. it was the most successful exhibition in the Museum's history.