February Half-Term: A Cabinet of Curiosities - Garden Museum
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February Half-Term: A Cabinet of Curiosities

Help us fill a temporary cabinet of curiosities with your own creations!

Be inspired by the story of the Tradescants, 17th century gardeners and plant collectors who collected objects of curiosity for display in their ‘Ark’, an early museum which was in their house in Lambeth.

Their imposing tomb is in the Museum’s garden and features a crocodile, shells and a snail. Some of the objects they displayed in their ‘Ark’ included a stuffed dodo, crocodile, whale bones, arrows, sea parrot, and a mermaid’s hand. After their death the collection of objects went on to form the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.

Using recyclable materials make an object that you think will be curious in 100 years or more. A talking phone, a dinosaur skeleton, a fantasy creature or just your favourite household utensil.

Make the most intriguing object to go in our cabinet of curiosities and don’t forget to create a label that would explain what is and what it is for.

About the teacher

  • Laura X Carlé

    Laura X Carlé

    Laura X Carlé is an Argentine artist based in London. Laura works primarily with the medium of sculpture, drawing her themes from situations that she witnesses in the social space. She produces objects and installations that aspire to challenge the spectator to question their own perceptions.
    As an artist educator her work explores the power of large collaborative making using discarded materials.

    Laura has been running art workshops for over 15 years for families, schools, community groups and major Art Galleries and art organisations such as Tate Modern, Witechapel Gallery South Sondon Gallery and Museum of Childhood among others.

    Laura graduated from MAFA at Chelsea College in 2009