British Wildflower Seed-bomb Making - Garden Museum

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British Wildflower Seed-bomb Making

In this workshop, guerrilla gardener Joshua Donaldson will introduce the importance of greening our local neighbourhoods, and show us how to take the problem of biodiversity loss into our own hands. We’ll make our own batch of seed bombs, and get a drink on arrival.

A seed bomb is made of compost, clay, fertiliser and wildflower seeds. The compost and clay act as a carrier for the seeds, and protect the seeds from blowing away or being eaten by birds. Seed bombs are highly effective ways to boost ecology and biodiversity of unloved corners of cities, parks and gardens.

Seed bomb making began in New York in the 1970s. Pioneering plant lovers made ‘seed grenades’, which they would fling over fences into empty building lots, with aims of making unloved parts of the city better looking and highlighting the importance of green spaces.

From the humble ‘seed-grenade’ came Guerrilla gardening: a movement in which urban communities turn empty urban spaces into vibrant gardens with vegetables and abundances of flowers.

Seed bombs have come a long way since their beginnings, but continue to grow in popularity because they support and improve biodiversity in city gardens and parks.

Image: Wildflower meadow at Old Paradise Gardens, Lambeth. Photo by Matt Collins.