In our new series #GMinyourgarden, we’re peeking over the fence into gardens across the country to explore their places in our lives today. Not large, designer-led spaces, but small-scale personal gardens lovingly nurtured by their creators (and which nurture them right back!).
This week, Emma Jo Real-Davies’ Kent garden:
“It’s been a really fun project to design and (attempt to!) transform this garden. We created a ‘garden room’ at the back of our long, west-facing garden by adding hard-landscaping such as gravel, structured beds, paving and an arch.
This is now the ‘working area’ where I have a very small greenhouse and a potting bench, but there’s also just enough room for two garden armchairs that are fabulous in the summer.
I chose not to divide the main section of the garden as, somewhat controversially, I like an area of lawn to picnic on in the summer months! The beds are still a work in progress but the trees and roses bring me the most joy throughout the year.”