I was born in North London to parents from Jamaica. I studied at primary schools and a secondary school in South London before spending a year in Jamaica. Whilst in Jamaica, at the age of 15, I attended High School. By coincidence, my British school uniform had the same pattern as the Jamaican school (in green).
This was the early 1970s. I studied a secretarial course but also found time for reading books about food, plants and nutrition in the school library. I wanted an education about our food supplies, God’s bountiful creation. We plant seeds but at the end of the day it is God’s nature which produces the final results.
‘I wanted to see how things are grown … what food has vitamins, which vitamin, K, D, C and riboflavin and zinc, and all the minerals, I wanted to know all of them……. So I read books about the yams, cocoa, plantain, how they’re grown and what vitamins you get from each thing. I went to the library and studied up on them.’ (quote from oral history interview)